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Brian Cathey, Lead Attorney


Before practicing law, Brian Cathey worked as both a roofer and a derivatives trader. Now as a lawyer, he still fights for success by combining hard work and strategy. 

Brian graduated summa cum laude, the highest academic distinction, from Georgia State University College of Law.  While at Georgia State, he was a member of the Student Trial Lawyers Association and the Georgia State Law Review. 

Upon graduation, Brian was named to the Order of the Coif (for exceptional academic performance) and to the Order of Barristers (for exceptional oral advocacy), making him one of only four Georgia State Law students to ever receive both honors. 

Brian's practice has focused primarily on medical malpractice and wrongful death, and he is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia, as well as all other trial and appellate courts in the State of Georgia, and the Northern District of Georgia federal court.

He lives in Athens with his wife, Billie, and their dog, PopTart.

Brian Cathey Law Is Here for You

At Brian Cathey Law, we craft aggressive legal strategies that help our clients rebuild after tragedy. Our clients and their families find us because they face serious criminal charges or because they have suffered severe injuries or death. Whether you need a lawyer for criminal defense, personal injury, medical malpractice, whistleblower protection, or any other legal tragedy, Brian Cathey Law is here to help you now.

Contact Us Today

Brian Cathey Law is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Personal Injury, and Whistleblower issues in Athens and throughout Georgia.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.